Monday, December 13, 2010

Learning Goals for December 13th to 17th!

Double digit addition with and without carrying
Missing Addends
Patterns (identification and creation)
Writing numbers 101 - 150
Addition and Subtraction Facts

Language Arts:
Dr and Tr sounds
Short vowel sounds
Long vowel sounds (super "e")
Phonograms - Introduction to some of the harder phonograms
Friendly letters

World Religions continued...
What is Islam?
What is the Koran?
How do Muslims worship?
The five pillars of Islam

The Digestive System
A Balanced Diet and Healthy Lifestyles
What is a germ? 
The importance of Vaccinations
Jenner and Pasteur

Polar Express Day on Friday!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Nervous System!

Here are two videos we watched in class. The first video is from School House Rock and explains how the brain sends messages to the brain and how the body sends messages to the brain. The second video is a fun video that makes connections to our five senses (the first 30 seconds is the most relevant part.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Circulatory System

Here are some videos we watched in class about the circulatory system. The main things your child should know is that circulatory system includes the heart, arteries and veins. Arteries carry blood rich with oxygen and veins carry blood that is depeleted of oxygen. The heart pumps the blood.

Do the Circulation by School House Rock

Circulatory System

Monday, December 6, 2010

Learning Goals for December 6th to 10th

Addition with and without carrying
Writing numbers 101-150
Counting mixed coins
One more, one less, 10 more, 10 less
Missing Addends

Language Arts:
Writing Friendly Letters
Spalding Phonograms: a, e, i, o. u, y, g, s, x, f, k, ay, ai, ea, ch, oo, ng, ar, aw, er, or, qu, ow, ou, sh, th, aw, au, ed, ck
Spelling Words: 
day   eat    sits   sit   lot   box   tell
yes    ball   ask   five   school
belong   door   floor   how   soft
stands  stand  yard   bring   law
Chapter book read aloud Chocolate Fever
World Religions Continued...
What is Christianity? 
Who is Jesus?
What are the Christian Symbols?
The First Christmas
Jesus and the Last Supper

Circulatory System
  • The heart pumps the blood away from the body.
  • Arteries carry the oxygenated blood away from the body.
  • Veins carry the blood back to the heart to get more oxygen.
Nervous System
  • The brain tells the body what to do.
  • Nerves sends messages to the brain.
  • The five senses (taste, smell, hear, touch and sight)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Muscular and Skeleton System

Here are some videos we watched in class to learn more about the skeletal sytem and muscular system!

Muscular System

Skeletal System

School House Rock

I can't post the video of dem bones, so please apologize to your kiddos!