Monday, March 28, 2011

What is Fluency?

Fluency is a combination of three things: rate, expression and accuracy. We are going to be really focusing on these three big items for the rest of the school year!

Rate is also known as pacing. Rate means that we are reading not too fast, not too slow, but at the just the right speed so that we can understand what we are reading. Today, I used the example a speed limit sign. The sign helps us know how fast to drive (since we do not have police officers pulling us over when we read) it is our jobs as readers to monitor our speed on our own. 

Expression or prosody- is the ability to read like we talk. We should use punctuation to help us read with the correct expression. Questions to ask yourself as you read: Do I sound like a robot? Do I use different voices? Do I change my tone?

Accuracy is how many words we can read correctly in the passage or story. If we are stopping to decode every other word we don't have a chance to keep the correct rate or expression. Accuracy is gained through memorization of sight words, word families and reading exposure. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Learning Goals for March 28th to 30th!

Please remember that this week we have early outs on Tuesday and Wednesday due to parent teacher conferences. Also Thursday and Friday are optional enrichment days from 9-12. 

Pictographs (when symbol stands for 2)
Review of all concepts taught so far this year.
Word problems (addition and subtraction)

Phonograms and Spelling- We are not having spelling this week!

Language Arts:
Fluency- What is a fluent reader? rate, expression and accuracy. 
Phrase- If you at first you don't succeed, try, try again!
Sight Word Baseball- (spelling first grade sight words)

Review why we celebrate Veteran's Day and Memorial Day.
Review American Revolution and add to class timeline with highlighting important people.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Rock Cycle!

Here is a website I found that talks more about the Rock Cycle! Feel free to explore if your child would like to learn more about the rock cycle!        


A Neat Science Website!

I found this website for games related to science brought to you by NASA! Let me know what you think.

Learning Goals for March 21st to 24th!

A little reminder... we do not have school next friday! Please plan accordingly. 

We are going to be diving into graphs. We will be looking at bar graphs, tally mark charts, pictographs, line graphs, etc. We will be looking at the data and answer questions. 
Addition and Subtraction facts- We are going to be working hard with counting on for addition and counting backwards for subtraction. 
Reviewing telling time to 15 minute intervals.
Reviewing measuring to the nearest inch and half-inch

Phonograms: wr, sh, ng, ow, oa, ck, s, ed, c, igh

Spelling: See your child's homework for this weeks spelling list. 

Language arts:
Poems: The Swing, Rope Rhyme, Washington
Capital letters and ending marks. Writing in complete sentences. 

The American Revolution
Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence
American Holidays (Veterans Day, Memorial Day and 4th of July)
Benjamin Franklin
American Symbols - Bald Eagle, Liberty Bell and the American Flag

Life cycle of a plant - Seed, shoot, seedling, leaves/petals, flowers

Looking the artist Jasper Johns and painting the American Flag

Friday, March 11, 2011

Learning Goals for March 14th to the 18th!

3-D shape review, identify sides, corners and edges of a cone, cube, pyramid and cylinder.
Make a tally chart and bar graph.
Interpret data from a graph
Addition facts (sums to 18)
Subtraction facts 
Telling time to the quarter hour
Parts of a fraction
Expanded notation

Phonograms: oa, ow, ew, u, ar, or, er, ai, ay, o

Spelling: See your child's homework.

Language Arts:
Langston Hughes and various poems
Making text-world connections
Using vocabulary to make mental images using Thanksgiving on Thursday. 

The American Revolution: The original 13 colonies, the Boston Tea Party
Paul Revere's Ride
Minutemen and the Redcoats
Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence
Important holidays: Fourth of July, Memorial Day and Veterans Day
Benjamin Franklin as a patriot, inventor and writer.

Review circuits and how they work
Thomas Edison life and work

Also thank you for your tremendous effort with learning sight words! I am thoroughly impressed on how many sight words they have mastered this school year. Keep up all of your hard work!

We will be having a guest speaker on Friday to talk to the class about electricity!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


In art, your child is learning about self-portraits. A couple of weeks ago they learned about realistic self-portraits and this week they learned about abstract art. Underneath sites we visit you can click on Picasso and create your own Picasso Head!

Check out these Science Website!

As we are learning about electricity and circuits this week, I stumbled upon this awesome website. It allows you to play games as you learn about various science concepts. Click on the link below.

You will also be able to access on the left side bar under science kids. 

Games and activities you might want to check out are:

Food Chains
Skeleton and Bones
Human body health & growth
Plants and animals
Changing electricity circuits
Electricity circuits and conductors
Rocks Minerals and Soil

Another website worth checking out on electricity and circuits is

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Learning Goals for March 7th to the 11th!

Sprit Week is this week! Don't miss it!
Monday- OMCS shirt day
Tuesday- Crazy Sock day
Wednesday- Backwards Shirt day
Thursday- Sports Jersey day
Friday- Crazy Hair Day

Review 2D shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, hexagon and trapezoid)
Introduce and build 3D shapes (cylinder, cone, cube, pyramid) 
Building arrays for multiplication 1's, 5's, 10's
Fractions (part of a set)

Phonograms: ee, ea, th, ch, kn, gn, oa, ck, ai, ay
Spelling: See your child's homework.

Language Arts:
Phrase... Never leave tomorrow what you can do today
This week a lot of our read-alouds and language arts practice will come in the form of nonfiction books about our history and science topics.
Journal writing... writing in complete sentences and introducing the concept of a paragraph

English Settlers Continued...
      The First Thanksgiving, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and the Puritans
The American Revolution...
      Locate and name the thirteen original colonies and the Boston Tea Party
      Paul Revere's ride, "One if by land, two if by sea..."
      Minutemen and the Redcoats, "the shot heard around the world."

Introduction to Electricity
       Static electricity
       Basic parts of simple electric circuits (for example, batteries, wire, bulb or buzzer, and switch.)
       Conductive and nonconductive material