What is 7? 8? 9? 10? (recognizing the digit, quantity and number word as well as number sentences)
Ordinal numbers
Doubles to sums of 12
Shapes, identifying angles and sides for triangle, square, rectangle
Sorting by using different attributes (color, size, shape)
Story Problems
Language Arts
Who? What? What's Happening?
Phonograms 1-32 (I am working on getting you a list of the phonograms with corresponding sounds.)
Comprehension Strategies:
- What do good readers do when they are finished?
- Good readers THINK before, during and after they read?
- Identifying the Big Idea of a story. (author's purpose)
- Schema
Poetry: "Solomon Grundy"
"Sing a Song for the People"
Phrase: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Introduction to journaling, What can we write about?
Making lists and webs to create ideas.
Choosing an idea to write about.
History/ Geography: Spatial sense...
Identify our continent and the other countries in our continent.
Northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere and equator.
Peninsula, harbor, bay, and island on a map or globe.
Compass rose and cardinal directions.
Science: Oceans...
What are the names of the four major oceans and where are they?
Fresh water vs. Salt Water- taste test and evaporation experiment
Sink or float experiment with fresh and salt water.
Tides, high and low
Identify coast and shores on a map or globe.
Currents: Surface currents and Gulf Stream.
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